Seasonal Rent

Seasonal rent is the perfect solution for visits of cult places, museums or exhibitions. The seasonal rent starts from 5 months minimum renting period and may last up to 1 year. Seasonal rent grants various advantages, including:

Affordable rent fees;
Standard and Extra Maintenance provided by planned assistance operations (with a consequent cost reductions for machinery maintenance)
Free machinery updating at least every 9 months (to grant you a spearhead, new system)
FIRE and LOSS insurance up to 10% of the delivered equipment;
5% of BACK UP offered equipment (if malfunctioning);
Standard and extra assistance for each related radio-problem.
“Seasonal rent” offers the possibility – if needed – to manage any peak flow, by dividing the rent order in 2 seasons. For example you can rent a part of the set only during the winter season (or for usual low season periods) and after you can add the other equipment during the high season. This will permit to your company to optimize the COSTS/PROFITS connections.

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