Business Services

Do you want to organize a guided visit inside your firm, but the machinery is too noisy and do not allow visitors to enjoy the visit? Have you a congress, an internship or a training course already planned in your mind but you cannot find an adequate amplifying system?

Thanks to our experience in the group guided visits, Vox has developed a totally wireless system that will allow you to communicate in every kind of environment (even indoor or outdoor) enabling you to avoid noisy inconvenience without using laborious, expensive installation equipment. Please contact us for a free quote and we will able to grant the perfect solution for your own needs!

Simultaneous Translations

Vox has reached a standard of excellence even in its simultaneous translation system. In fact the presence of a special transmitter, connected with the interpreter, lets you:

Organize up to 8 different languages at the same time;
Provide a totally wireless system that enables the installation of every kind of instrument (like for example cabins);
Provide the translation even outdoors – combining the translation, maybe, with a visit – with an operation range of 100 meters.
If a simultaneous translation is what you are looking for, please contact us for a free quote!

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