The Triumph of the Baroque (7 hours)


In the valley between two lakes, cradle of the Comacini Masters, richly frescoed and decorated buildings testify to the expertise and inventiveness of these skilled artists: the church of SS. Nazaro and Celso and of S. Maria in Scaria, Palazzo Scotti, the Oratory of S. Giuseppe and the church of S. Lorenzo in Laino, S. Pancrazio in Ramponio Verna.

The itinerary takes place in this wide and panoramic valley of Lake Como, reachable from Argegno, which was the birthplace of the countless industrious Comacini Masters, who for a thousand years spread the art and skill of their hands throughout Europe. In Scaria di Lanzo the Romanesque church of SS. Nazario e Celso preserves valuable fresco cycles from four different centuries, while that of S. Maria Assunta is a triumph of frescoes and stuccos from the seventeenth century. In Laino, the Baroque is at its most splendid in the Oratory of S. Giuseppe, in the Church of S. Lorenzo, which envelops us with its white stuccos, and in the frescoed ceiling of Palazzo Scotti. Further away, we visit the Romanesque Church of S. Pancrazio by Ramponio Verna, to admire the frescoed stories of the apse.